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Overworking yourself?

Updated: Nov 14, 2022

Are We Overworking?

According to a few studies, our workforce is overworking, working harder than ever, leading to longer work hours, increased stressed and a reduction in physical activity, all of which are bad for our overall well being. Studies done by the University College London, which looked at 85,000 workers, indicated a correlation between overwork and cardiovascular problems. This study essentially concluding that long work hours that result in reduced activity lead to an irregular heart beat or atrial fibrillation, which increases the chances of a stroke five-fold; To read more on the study, click here.

BUT, are we overworking? What does that even mean, is there a standard to this theory? During the industrial revolution, employees were work 12 hour + work days, maybe we’re actually underworking and over complaining?

Do you think that you’re over working in your IT job? Rather work from home?

How Many Hours is “Just Enough?”

According to US researcher Alex Soojung-Kim Pang, employees are productive for about four hours a day. Pang argues that the workday could easily be scaled back without undermining standards of living or prosperity. In fact, The Swedish government, funded an experiment where retirement home nurses worked six-hour days and still received an eight-hour salary. The result lead to less sick leave, less stress, and a jump in productivity.

What’s your thought on how many working hours is enough for you to get your job done?

“ In fact, The Swedish government, funded an experiment where retirement home nurses worked six-hour days and still received an eight-hour salary.”
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